Hi everyone and greetings from Chicago!
This is the last leg of our journey to Germany. The path to get us here has been incredibly emotional and there was even an attempt to thwart my efforts to Speak at the Bayer Stockholders meeting and that didn't work.
I have spent the last two week working with a wonderful women who taught me how to deliver my speech in German. So, Bayer may not have wanted to hear from me in one language, so instead they'll be hearing me in two. Before I learned of the necessity to deliver the speech in German, I had been working with an amazing women named Ana. She is more than just my public speaking coach; she is simply remarkable and made sure that I was prepared to give a speech that is heartfelt, sincere and powerful.
We wouldn't be on this journey if it wasn't for all the ladies who believe in us and trust us to be there voice. It very humbling to know that so many have such incredible faith in me. It's going to be quite a remarkable day and while only two of us will be on the stage, thousands of hands will be on my shoulder.
Hugs everyone!!!!
Ps - forgive the typos. This was posted from my iphone.
You've got this!! :)